By Kim Kirmmse Toth
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I’ve been wondering that a lot lately it seems. I appear to be going through a period of time where I am not getting done the things I believe I just have to get done.
I have this whole list of certain things, work things, that I really want to complete so that I can offer them to you, to share them with you.
And since I just put a load of towels in the washing machine, I realized I need to be more vigilant. So, I have set my kitchen timer that is on my desk to 30 minutes and I am not budging until I finish this article to you.
Does this ever happen to you? I am sure hoping it’s not just me and I don’t think it is.
When I had my therapy practice, my clients structured my day when they arrived at the correct time and my day continued, back to back clients. There was no room to procrastinate or stare out the window.
This work is different. Sure I teach classes and take classes and have clients and of course, my own coaches. But the rest of the time is just for me to use to move my business forward. What is the ‘fastest way to the cash’ a friend used to say to me.
There is nothing worse than the guilt I can put on myself for not accomplishing what I believe I should be. I also know I need to lighten up on that and be a little gentler.
I need to go back to some of my better habits. See if any of these are helpful to you.
Here are 3 things I have done that have worked well for me and somehow I got away from them and now it’s time to return.
#1: Use a kitchen timer at your desk. When that time is ticking away whether it’s for 30 minutes or more, you do nothing else. You don’t answer the phone, check your email or play with the pets. You do as much as you can do with your task at hand.
I also find the ticking of the timer a good thing for me because it reminds me I am on a time line, it’s a short one, but it is still a time line and I can live with that.
When the timer goes off then you can check email or return a call, but then get right back to your timer.
#2: Have accountability calls with colleagues. I have done this from cleaning our offices to getting a project completed. Simply get together with few other people and set a check in time to get started.
Everyone calls into a bridge line. Set your parameters, what are going to get done in this next period of time, say 45 minutes. Every makes their commitments and hangs up.
Everyone sets their timers. 45 minutes later everyone calls back into the bridge and reports on the progress they made. Rinse and repeat. Just by doing this for even 3-4 hours, you will be amazed at what is accomplished. (Keep in mind: the check in time is only that………to check in. No chit chat)
#3: If you are working on a bigger project and you set longer periods of time to work, still set your kitchen timer but maybe for 2-3 hours with short breaks.
Always take a lunch break. Get away from your computer. Take your dog for a 30 minute walk. Then get back to your desk and your timer.
I know there are many other ways to hold ourselves accountable and I would love to hear your ideas in the blog below.
Action Step: My Coaches request to you: Pick one of the above ideas or initiate one of your own and see which ones work best for you getting your project big or small complete.
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